
Oil on canvas
230 x 360 cm


Oil on canvas
290 x 460 cm

Via Strata

Oil on canvas
230 x 360 cm


IN 1971 in  Bergisch Gladbach, Germany


Lives and works in Leipzig


1995 - 00painting at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig2000 - 02Meisterschüler (master student) in the class of Prof. Arno Rink 2002graduation as a master student in the class of Prof. Arno Rink

Themes and style: 
         David Schnell paints landscapes tamed by humans: a forest cut in two by a motorway, fields geometrically framed by forest paths. He gets his inspiration from the countryside near the city of Leipzig.
Schnell is considered to be a younger contemporary of the East German painter, Neo Rauch and a member of the so-called "Leipzig school".
         Is developed in oil on canvas paintings

In 2010 Schnell had a solo exhibition at the Stunde Kunstverein in Hannover which then traveled to the Gemeentemuseum in The Hague and the Museum zu Allerheiligen Schaffhausen.

See all at:

Representative Galleries:


In his own words:

"There is this amazing moment when a click happens. In almost every painting there is this moment when something little happens and you say ‘Ok, that’s it!’ Perhaps there are a few small things after that, but that’s mostly it. I cannot describe how or when this happens, but, sometimes I think that I have to do a lot of things and then a little thing does it. In the last few years, things changed a lot. I used to have much clearer ideas about how the painting should look but now, in the last two or three years, things are just developing out of the painting process itself, drops and drips. It’s difficult to say…it’s magic! [Laughs] Sometimes I equate painting to physics or mathematics…there are many possibilities but in the end there is only one way to find a particular painting. The funny thing is that I’ll have a studio visit, and other people will realize when the painting is finished. They notice the same little thing I do that finishes the painting. One thing I love about painting is that it’s not very describable. In German we say Gesetzmäßigkeit, it’s so open but also very fixed."

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