12. Bernard Buffet


Autoportrait 1 - 1981
oil on canvas - 146 x 114 cm 

Chateau de la vallee - 1965
engraving - 56.5 x 76.5 cm 

Portrait de famille - 1993
oil on canvas - 232 x 301 cm -


In 1928 in Paris, France. He died in 1999 in Tourtour, France.

         - In 1943, he entered the « Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts » where he studied for two years.

- In 1946, he had his first painting shown, a self-portrait.

- In 1948 he sold his first painting after an exhibition.

He won many prices:
- In 1948 the Critic’s price
- In 1955, he was awarded the first prize by the magazine Connaissance des arts, which named the 10 best post-war artists.

- In 1958, at the age of 30, the first retrospective of his work was held at Galerie Charpentier.

- In May, 1971 he was named « Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur ».

-1973 the Bernard Buffet Museum was inaugurated ; it was founded by Kiichiro Okano, in Surugadaira, Japan.

- 1974 he was elected to the Académie des Beaux-Arts In 1978, at the request of the Postal Administration, he designed a stamp depicting l'Institut et le Pont des Arts.

- He commited suicide in 1999

Themes and style: 
         As a member of the anti-abstract art group "L'homme Témoin" (the Witness-Man),He centered his work in paintings and prints on religious themes, landscapes, portraits and some still life.

         Drawing, Painting and print ( etching)

Solo Exhibitions

Beginning in 1949 yearly exhibitions were held in February at the Galerie Drouant-David, and as of 1957 at the Galerie David and Garnier, and finally at Galerie Maurice Garnier.
The themes for these exhibitions were:

1952 - The Passion of Christ
1953 - Landscapes
1954 - Interiors
1955 - Horror of the war
1956 - The Circus
1957 - Paris Landscapes
1958 - Joan of Arc
1959 - New-York Landscapes
1960 - The Birds
1961 - Portraits of Annabel
1962 - The Chapelle de Chateau l'Arc
1963 - Venice Landscapes
1964 - The Bemard Buffet Museum
1965 - The Ecorches
1966 - Nudes
1967 - The Corrida
1968 - The Beaches
1969 - Churches of France
1970 - Castles of the Loire Valley
1971 - Fools
1972 - Daniele and Virginie
1973 - The Boats
1974 - Landscapes
1975 - Landscapes
1976 - Winter Landscapes
1977 - « Dante's Infemo. »
1978 - The French Revolution
1979 - The Flowers
1980 - Nudes
1981 - Japan
1982 - Self Portraits
1983 - Landscapes
1984 - Small Paintings
1985 - The Automobile
1986 - The Low Countries
1987 - Venice Landscapes
1988 - Sumo and Kabuki
1988 - Natures mortes
1989 - Don Quichotte
1990 - 20.000 Leagues Under the Sea
1990 - Britanny
1991 - Sees of New York
1991 - Remembers of Italy
1992 - Les clowns musiciens
1992 - Saint-Petersbourg
1993 - L'Empire or the pleasurs of the war
1993 - Promenade Provencale
1994 - L'Odyssee
1995 - Les sept peches capitaux
1996 - Pekin
1997 - Regates
1998 - The house
1999 - Mes singes
2000 - The death

Bernard Buffet has had many solo exhibitions world-wide, including New York, Chicago, Palm Beach, Montréal, Vancouver, Tokyo, Osaka, Johannesburg, Londres, Amsterdam, Bruxelles, Berlin, Varsovie, Bâle, Zurich, Genève, Rome, Venise, Milan, Madrid.

Some selected ones were:
In 1958 : Galerie Charpentier, Paris
In 1959 : The French Institute, in Berlin
In 1959 : At Knokke le Zoute, in Belgium
In 1963 : The Museum of Modem Art, in Tokyo
In 1969 : Unterlinden Museum in Colmar
In 1977 : At the Gemeentmuseum, Wieger Deurne, Holland
In 1978 : The Postal Museum, Paris
In 1983 : Seedamm Cultural Center, Zurich
In 1985 : Refectoire des Jacobins, Toulouse
In 1987 : The Odakyu Museum, Tokyo
In 1991 : Pouchkine Museum, Moscou
In 1991 : Ermitage Museum, Saint-Petersbourg
In 1991 : Hyundai Museum, Seoul
In 1993 : Gustave Courbet Museum, Ornans
In 1994 : Documenta Halle, Kassel
 In 1995 : The Odakyu Museum, Tokyo
In 1996 : Beaux-arts Museum, Kaoshiung

Bernard Buffet illustrated the following works :

Les Chants de Maldoror, by Lautreamont, 1952
Recherche de la Purete, by Jean Giono, 1953
La Passion du Christ, 1954
La voix Humaine, by Jean Cocteau, 1957
Les Voyages Fantastiques, by Cyrano de Bergerac, 1958
Saint-Cast, poem by Baudelaire, 1962
Toxique, by Francoise Sagan, 1964
L'Herbier, by Louise de Vilmorin, 1966
Mon Cirque, 1968
Jeux de Dames, poems by Verlaine, Rimbaud, Baudelaire, 1970
L'Enfer, by Dante, 1976
La Revolution Francaise, 1977
Saint-Tropez, by Annabel, 1979
Le Voyage au Japon, by Annabel, 1981

Buffet has created the decor for the following :

Concours des Jeunes Compagnies, in 1948
La Chambre, by Georges Simenon, for the Ballets de Roland Petit in 1955
Le Rendez-vous manque, by Francoise Sagan in 1958
Patron, by Marcel Ayme in 1959
Carmen by Bizet for l'Opera de Marseille in 1962
Le Grand Cirque, by Katchaturian, for Serge Lifar. Opera de Paris Ischtar by Vincent d'lndy, for Serge Lifar
La Valse, de Maurice Ravel pour l'Opera-Comique, 1970

ARTAX, Düsseldorf
Boca Raton Museum of Art
Ca la Ghironda, Bologna
Kunstmuseum Walter, Augsburg
Musée d´art moderne de Lille, Villeneuve d´Ascq
Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje
National Gallery for Foreign Art, Sofia
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo
Tampere Art Museum
Tate Gallery, London
Wellside Gallery, Seoul


1947 Member of the Salon d'Automne
1947 Member of the Société des Artistes Indépendants
1948 co-recipient of the Prix de la Critique with Bernard Lorjou
1950 Prix Puvis de Chavannes
1955 First Prize by Magazine Connaissance
1973 Officer of the Légion d'Honneur
1974 Member of the Académie des Beaux-ArtsIn his own words:

In his own words:
"Painting, we do not talk about it, we do not analyse it, we feel it" 

Representative Galleries:

Galerie Drouant-David
Galerie David and Garnier
Galerie Maurice Garnier

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