24. Lucian Feud

Woman in Grey Sweater 1988 Oil on canvas 55.6 x 45.3 cm    

A Young Painter 1957-58 Oil on canvas 40.8 x 39.4 cm    

Blond Girl on a Bed 1987 Oil on canvas 41 x 51 cm 
                  In 1922 in Berlín, Germany
 He died in 2011 in London
- 1938, he studied at the Central School of Art in London.
 - From 1939 to 1942, he went to  East Anglian School of Painting and Drawing in Dedham, relocated in 1940 to Benton End, a house near Hadleigh, Suffolk.

- Between 1942 and 1943 he also attended Goldsmiths' College, part of the University of London.

- He always worked as a merchant seaman in an Atlantic convoy in 1941 before being invalided out of service in 1942.

- In 1943, the poet and editor Meary James Thurairajah Tambimuttu commissioned the young artist to illustrate a book of poems by Nicholas Moore entitled "The Glass Tower."
Themes and style: 
         Freud was part of a group of figurative artists that American artist Ronald Kitaj later named "The School of London". Known chiefly for his thickly impastoed portrait and figure paintings, he was widely considered the pre-eminent British artist of his time. His works are noted for their psychological penetration and their often discomforting examination of the relationship between artist and model.

         Paintings, Oil on canvas

Selected solo Exhibitions

1994: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
2003: Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
2004: National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh
2005: Museo Correr, Venice
2006: Acquavella Galleries, New York
2007: Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin
2008: Museum of Modern Art, New York
2008: Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague
2010: Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
2012: National Portrait Gallery, London
2012: Fort Worth Modern, Fort Worth
2013: Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien

In his own words:

"I used to find death much scarier when I was younger – I had more to lose. Now, when I see old people driving slowly I want to shout at them. They should live a little more because it's nearly over for them anyway."

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