Oil on linen, 2013
750 x 898 mm

Take the Night off
Oil on linen, 2013
410 x 606 mm

Home on the Range 
Oil on found canvas, 2008
390mm x 280mm


                  In 1975, Northampton, England
Lives and Works in East London
         Wright went to school in Eastbourne, Sussex and graduated from Slade School of Fine Art, University College of London (1995–1999), receiving a B.A. in Fine Art.

He won the BP Travel Prize in 1998. When he was 25 the National Portrait Gallery acquired his painting of the actor John Hurt.

In 2001 he won the BP Portrait Award. Part of his reward was a commission to create a painting of six presidents of the National Academy. The result was described as "astounding", showing the men surrounding a dead chicken.

Wright won the Garrick/Milne Prize in 2005.

Themes and style: 
         Portrait Artist

         His work is developed in paintings and video.
Solo Exhibitions
2012 Together in Electric Dreams, Riflemaker,
2010 Everybody Knows This is Nowhere,
Stephensons Works, Newcastle
2010 I Remember You, Riflemaker, London
2010 MAZE installation, Riflemaker, London
2007 A Hole in the Bucket, Galerie Huebner,
2007 Most People are Other People, University of
Wales Art Gallery, Aberystwyth
2006 Most People are Other People, National
Portrait Gallery/ National Theatre
1999 National Portrait Gallery (BP Travel Award)
1995 Eastbourne Arts Centre
Group Exhibitions
2012 Marcel Duchamp in South East Asia, Equator
Art Projects, Singapore
2012 Frank & Cherryl Cohen at Chatsworth,
Chatsworth House, Derbyshire
2011 The First Actresses, National Portrait Gallery,
2011 Writers of Influence, Sunderland Museum,
Graves Gallery Sheffield, Southampton City Art
Gallery, Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery
2011 Smile For London, London Underground
System and Museum of London
2010 Solyanka State Museum, Moscow
2009 Kunskog, Five Hundred Dollars Gallery,
London 2009 Anopseudononymous, Five Hundred
Gallery, London
2008 John Moores prize, Walker Art Gallery
2007/8 Home and Garden Part 4, The Geffrye
2007 Looking Forward, Agnews, London
2007 Jerwood Drawing Prize, Jerwood Space,
2006 God Bless Our Home, Mall Galleries
2006 Things Standing Still, Browse & Darby,
2005 Garrick/Milne Prize, Christies, London
2005 Hunting Prize
2004 Singer & Friedlander/Sunday Times
Watercolour competition
2004 Being Present, Jerwood Space, London
2004 Originals 04
2004 Hunting Prize
2003 The Drawing Year Show, Prince's Foundation
2002 Royal Society of Portrait Painters
2001 Discerning Eye, Mall Galleries
2001 BP Portrait Award
2000 Royal Society of British Painters, Mall
2000 Garrick/Milne Prize
2000 BP Portrait Award
2000 Hunting Prize
1999 BP Portrait Award
2000 Windsor & Newton Millennium Competition
1999 Singer & Friedlander/Sunday Times
Watercolour competition
1999 Hunting Art Prize
1999 Group Show, Thompsons Art Gallery
1998 Singer & Friedlander/Sunday Times
Watercolour competition
1998 BP Portrait Award
1998 Hunting Art Prize
1998 Royal Academy Summer Show
1994 Solo Show Eastbourne Arts Centre
1993 Group Show, Brighton Arts Centre
2008 Shortlist, John Moores Painting Prize
2007 Shortlist, Jerwood Drawing Prize
2005 First Prize, Garrick/Milne Prize
2004 First Prize, Singer & Friedlander/Sunday
Times Watercolour competition
2004 Purchase Prize, University of Wales,
2004 Printmaking Award, Joseph Webb
Commemorative Fund
2003 Travel Award, Discerning Eye (Sri Lanka)
2001 Winner, BP Portrait Award
2000 Third Prize, Garrick/Milne Prize
2000 Grant Award, Elizabeth Greenshield
2000 British Finalist, Windsor & Newton Millennium
1999 Third Prize, Singer & Friedlander/Sunday
Times Watercolour competition
1998 Travel Award, BP Portrait Award
Aberdeen Art Gallery
Aldo Coronelli Collection
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
British Academy
British Museum
Daniel Radcliffe Collection
David Roberts Art Foundation
David Thewlis Collection, London
Frank Cohen Collection, Manchester
Garrick Club, London
Government Art collection, House of Commons,
Graham Fink Collection, Beijing
Index ventures Collection, Geneva
ING Barings Bank, Brussels
Jerwood Foundation, London
J.K.Rowling Collection, Edinburgh
John Hurt Collection, London
Keira Knightley Collection, London
National Portrait Gallery, London
Nick Candy Collection, London
Omer Koc Collection, Istanbul
Philip Mould Collection, London
Rhode Island School of Design Museum, USA
School of Art Gallery & Museum, Aberystwyth ,
Singer and Friedlander Bank
Singer and Friedlander PLC
Sir Paul Smith Collection, London
Scheringa Museum, Holland
Taylor Thomson Collection, LA
In his own words:
"People say I make my subjects look sad or old. I suppose I do instinctively either bring out of them, or project on to them, something rather melancholy. It's about trying to find a point of empathy, something that draws us together as human beings, and we're all trying to cope with the things that make life upsetting. I look and see how much life hurts. I no longer find it easy to paint my mother: when I look at her I almost see too much and it becomes quite painful."

Representative Galleries:
Rifflemaker Gallery

For more Information:
