10. Glenn Brown

Aesthetic Poor, 2002
Oil on canvas
220.5 x 333 cm

Glenn Brown

Reproduction, 2014
Oil on panel
135 x 101 cm

Searched Hard for You and Your Special Ways

Oil on canvas mounted on board
89 x 75 cm


                  In 1966 in Northumberland, England, UK
- In 1985, he completed the Foundation Course at Norwich School of Art, Foundation Course, Norwich, England.

- In 1988, he received a B.A. degree in Fine Art  at the Bath College of Higher Education, Bath, England.

- In 1992, he got the M.A. degree at Goldsmiths College, University of London, London, England.

- In 2011 got the Fellowship at Goldsmiths College, University of London, London, England.

         The artist lives and works in London and Suffolk, UK.
Themes and style: 
         Starting from paintings from many contemorary artists such  as Frank Auerbach and Georg Baselitz, and also historical artists, such as Guido Reni, Diego Velázquez, Anthony van Dyck, Rembrandt, Jean-Honoré Fragonard, Eugène Delacroix, John Martin, Gustave Courbet, Adolph Menzel, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Vincent van Gogh, Chaim Soutine and Salvador Dalí. He makes his work  claiming that the references to these artists are not direct quotations, but alterations and combinations of several works by different artists. However,  the artists whose work is appropriated do not always agree. By scanning and changing the image with programmes like Photoshop, Brown playfully alters the image to his specific needs. A lot of his titles refer to titles of albums, film titles, science fiction literature, or a specific dedication to a person.

         His work is develop in paintings, sculpture and etchings.

Solo Exhibitions

2014 Glenn Brown. Gagosian Gallery, W. 21st Street, New York, NY.
2013 Conversation Piece V: Glenn Brown/Frans Hals. Haarlem, Netherlands.
Glenn Brown and Rebecca Warren. Rennie Collection at Win Sang, Vancouver, Canada.
2012 Glenn Brown. Upton House, Oxfordshire, England.
2011 Glenn Brown. Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin, Germany.
Glenn Brown: Etchings and Sculpture. Gagosian Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland.
2009 Glenn Brown. Gagosian Gallery, London, England.
Etchings (Portraits). Ridinghouse at Karsten Schubert, London, England.
Glenn Brown. Tate Liverpool, Liverpool, England. Travelled to: Fondazione Sandretto Re
Rebaudengo, Turin, Italy and Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary.
2008 Editions and a Unique Sculpture. Patrick Painter, Los Angeles, CA.
Glenn Brown. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria.
2007 Glenn Brown. Gagosian Gallery, W. 24th St., New York, NY.
2006 Glenn Brown. Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin, Germany.
2005 Glenn Brown. Patrick Painter, Inc, Santa Monica, CA.
2004 Glenn Brown. Serpentine Gallery, London, England.
Glenn Brown. Gagosian Gallery, 980 Madison Ave, New York, NY.
2002 Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin, Germany.
2001 Patrick Painter, Los Angeles, CA.
 Künstlerverein Malkasten, Düsseldorf, Germany.
2000 Domaine de Kerguéhennec, Centre d’art Contemporain, Bignan, France.
 Galerie Max Hetzler Berlin, Germany.
1999 Patrick Painter, Los Angeles, CA.
 Jerwood Space, London, England.
1998 Patrick Painter, Los Angeles, CA.
1997 Galerie Ghislaine Hussenot, Paris, France.
1996 Queen’s Hall Arts Centre, Hexham, England.
1995 Karsten Schubert Gallery, London, England.

Group Exhibitions:

2014 She: Picturing Women at the Turn of the 21st Century. David Winton Bell Gallery and
the Cohen Gallery, Brown University, Providence, RI.

2013 Deep Feelings. From antiquity to now. Kunshalle Krems, Austria.
REMEMBER EVERYTHING: 40 Years Galerie Max Hetzler. Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin,
 Destruction to Utopia. Patrick Painter Inc., Santa Monica, CA.
Riotous Baroque: From Cattelan to Zurbaran. Guggenheim Bilbao, Spain.
SNAP: Art at the Aldeburgh Festival. Snape Maltings, Suffolk, England.

2012 Beyond Reality: British Painting Today. Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague, Czech Republic.
Mash Up: Collage from 1930 to the present. L&M Arts, Los Angeles, CA.
Portrait of the Artist As.... Courtauld Gallery, Courtauld Institute of Art, London, England.
SNAP: Art at the Aldeburgh Festival. Snape Maltings, Suffolk, England.
The Mechanical Hand: Pauper Press 25 years. King’s Place Gallery, London. Travelled to
Newcastle, England.
The Space Between. Karsten Schubert, London, England.

2011 Art 2 . FLAG Art Foundation, New York, NY.
Grisaille. Luxembourg & Dayan, New York, NY.
 Helvete/Hell. Liljevalchs Kunsthalle, Stockholm. Travelling to Borås Konstmuseum, Borås,
 John Martin: Apocalypse. Tate Britain, London, England.
 Unscharf- Nach Gerhard Richter/Blurred- After Gerhard Richter. Hamburger Kunstalle,
Hamburg, Germany.
 Le Surréalisme, c’est moi!: Homage to Dalí. Kunstalle, Vienna, Austria.
Mémoires du futur: la collection Olbricht. La Maison Rouge-Fondation Antoine de
Galbert, Paris, France.
Nothing in the World But Youth. Turner Contemporary, Margate, England.

2010 A Group Painting Show. Patrick Painter, Los Angeles, CA.
 Art: curated by Michael Craig-Martin. Galerie Haas & Fuchs, Berlin, Germany.
 Crash. Gagosian Gallery, London, England.*
 Behind the Mask. The New Art Gallery Walsall, Walsall, England.
 Grand National. Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium, Vestfossen, Norway.
 Head. Approach Gallery, London, England.
 Seconde Main/Second Hand. Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France.
 Summer Exhibition. Royal Academy of Arts, London, England*
 Vanité: Mort, Que Me Veux-tu? Fondation Pierre Bergé – Yves Saint Laurent, Paris, France.
 10,000 Lives. Gwangju Biennale, Korea.

2009 Art Now: Beating The Bounds. Tate Britain, London, England.
 Just what is it…. ZKM/Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany.
 Mapping the Studio: Artists from the FrançoisPinault Collection. Punta della Dogana and Palazzo
Grassi, Venice, Italy.*
 Surface Reality. Laing Art Gallery, Tyne and Wear Museums, Newcastle upon Tyne, England.

2008 Beyond the Lens. Galerie Dominique Fiat, Paris, France.
 Excerpt: Selections from the Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn Collection. Frances Lehman Loeb Art
Center, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY.
 Arcadia: Painters’ Paradise. Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul. Travelled to: Taipei Fine Art Museum,
Taipei, as Arcadie: Dans les collections du Centre Pompidou.*
 Pretty Ugly. Gavin Brown’s Enterprise and Maccarone, New York, NY.
 Jekyll Island. Honor Fraser Gallery, Los Angeles, CA.

2007 Accidental Painting. Perry Rubenstein Gallery, New York, NY.
Attention to Detail (curated by Chuck Close). The FLAG Art Foundation, New York, NY.
Insight? Gagosian Gallery, Barvikha Luxury Village, Moscow, Russia.
The Game of Multiple Meaning: Symbolism and the art of the present. Von der Heydt-Museum,
Wuppertal, Germany.
Rockers Island: Olbricht Collection. Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany.
Old School. Hauser and Wirth Colnaghi, London, England.
100 Jahre Kunsthalle Mannheim. Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany.
Timer 01: Intimità/Intimacy, L’arte contemporanea dopo l’undici settembre/Contemporary Art
After Nine Eleven. Triennale Bovisa, Milan, Italy.

2006 British Art. Thomas Gibson Fine Art, London, England.
Jean-Honoré Fragonard, 1732–1806: Orígenes e influencias, de Rembrandt al siglo
XXI. Obra Social Fundación “la Caixa.” Barcelona, Spain.
How to Improve the World: Sixty Years of British Art, Arts Council Collection.
Hayward Gallery, London, England.
The Starry Messenger: Visions of the Universe. Compton Verney, Warwickshire,
Zurück zur Figur: Malerei der Gegenwart. Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung, Munich,
Germany. Travelled to: Museum Franz Gertsch, Burgdorf, Switzerland.
Infinite Painting: Contemporary Painting and Global Realism. Villa Manin, Centro d’Arte
Contemporanea, Udine, Italy.
Passion for Paint. Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery, Bristol, England. Travelled to:
Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne, England; The National Gallery,
London, England.
Full House: Gesichter einer Sammlung. Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany.
 POW! (Pictures of Women). Quality Pictures Contemporary Art, Portland, OR.
Chers amis. Domaine de Kerguéhennec, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Bignan, France.

2005 Neue Kunsthalle IV: Direkte Malerei/Direct Painting. Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim,
Rückkehr ins All/Return to Space. Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany.
Closing Down. Bortolami Dayan, New York, NY.
Big Bang: Destruction et création dans l’art du XXe siècle. Centre Georges Pompidou,
Paris, France.
Translations: Creative Copying and Originality. Thomas Dane, London, England.
The Nature of Things. Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, Birmingham, England.
Ecstasy: In & About Altered States. Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA.
STRATA: Difference and Repetition. Fondazione Davide Halevim, Milan, Italy.
Bidibidobidiboo: Works from Collezione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo. Fondazione
Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino, Italy.

2004 Must I Paint You a Picture? Six London-Based Artists. Haunch of Venison, West End,
London, England.
She’s Come Undone. Artemis Greenberg Van Doren Gallery, New York, NY.
PILLish: Harsh Realities and Gorgeous Destinations. Museum of Contemporary Art,
Denver, CO.
Painter Editions. Patrick Painter, Los Angeles, CA.

2003 Heißkalt: Aktuelle Malerei aus der Sammlung Scharpff. Staatsgalerie Stuttgart,
Stuttgart, Germany. Travelled to: Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany.
Breaking God’s Heart (curated by Glenn Brown). 38 Langham Street, London, England.
Pittura/Painting: From Rauschenberg to Murakami, 1964–2003. Museo Correr, Venice,
Une collection de “Chefs-d’œuvre.” FRAC Limousin, Limoges, France.
M_ARS: Kunst und Krieg. Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria.
Delays and Revolutions. La Biennale di Venezia, Padiglione Italia, Giardini della
Biennale, Venice, Italy.
Dreams and Conflicts: The Dictatorship of the Viewer. La Biennale di Venezia,
Padiglione Italia, Giardini della Biennale, Venice, Italy.

2002 XXV Bienal de São Paulo: Iconografias Metropolitanas. Pavilhão Ciccillio Matarazzo,
Parque Ibirapuera, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Melodrama. ARTIUM, Centro-Museo Vasco de Arte contemporaneo, Vitoria-Gasteiz,
Spain. Traveled to: Palacio de los Condes de Gabia, Granada, Spain.
(The World May Be) Fantastic: Biennale of Sydney 2002. Museum of Contemporary
Art. Sydney and Art Gallery of New South Wales, South Wales, Australia.
Cher Peintre: Peintures figuratives depuis l’ultime Picabia. Centre Georges Pompidou,
Paris, France. Travelled to: Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria; Schirn Kunsthalle
Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany.
From the Saatchi Gift. Talbot Rice Gallery, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,
Landscape. The Saatchi Gallery, London, England.
Painting as a Foreign Language. Edifico Cultura Inglesa, Centro Brasileiro
 Britanico, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

2001 Passion. Galerie Ascan Crone, Berlin and Hamburg, Germany.
AZERTY: Un abécédaire autour des collections du FRAC Limousin. Centre Pompidou,
Paris, France.
 Glenn Brown and Arnold Böcklin, Künstlerverein Malkasten, Düsseldorf, Germany.

2000 Salon. Delfina Project Space, London, England.
Hypermental Rampart Reality 1950-2000, from Salvador Dali to Jeff Koons.
Kunsthaus Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; Hamburger Kunstahalle, Hamburg,
Germany; Rudolfinum, Prague, Czech Republic.
 The Turner Prize 2000. Tate Modern, London, England.
Suite Substitute IV: Beautiful Stangers. Hotel du Rhone, Geneva, Switzerland.
Futuro – Decadent Art & Architecture. Center For Visual Arts, Cardiff, Wales.
Glenn Brown, Julie Mehreti, Peter Rostovsky. The Project Room, New York, NY.
The British Art Show 5. Edindurgh, Scotland; Southampton, Cardiff, Birmingham,
 The Wreck of Hope. The Nunnery Gallery, Bow, London, England.
 Blue: Borrowed and New. New Art Gallery, Wasall, England.
 Little Angels. Houldsworth Fine Art, London, England.
 Examining Painting. Armand Hammer, University of California, Los Angeles, CA.
Sausages and Frankfurters: Recent British and German Paintings from the Ophiuchus
Collection. The Hydra Workshop, Hydra, Greece.

1999 Disaster. Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston, England.
 Day of the Donkey Day. Transmission, Glasgow, Scotland.
 John Moores 21. Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, England.
 Fresh Paint: Recent Acquisitions from the Frank Cohen Collection. Gallery ofModern
Art, Glasgow, Scotland.
 Examining Pictures: Exhibiting Paintings. Whitechapel Art Gallery, London; England,
The Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Illinois; UCLA Hammer Museum,
Los Angeles, CA.
 Holding Court. Entwistle, London, England.

1998 Secret Victorians. Firstsite, Colchester, England. Travelled to: Arnolfini, Bristol,
England; Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, England; Middlesbrough Art Gallery,
Middlesbrough, England; and Hammer Museum, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.
 Abstract Painting Once Removed. Contemporary Art Museum, Houston, TX. Travelled
to: Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, Kansas City, MO.
 It’s a Curse, It’s a Burden (curated by Glenn Brown). The Approach, London, England.
Cluster Bomb. Morrison Judd, London, England.
New Works. Patrick Painter, Los Angeles, CA.

1997 Belladonna. Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, England.
 Treasure Island. Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian, Centro de Art Moderna Jose de
Azeredo Perdigao, Lisbon, Portugal.
Pure Fantasy. Oriel Mostyn, Llandudno, North Wales, England.
Glenn Brown, Alex Kats, Katherine Yass. Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin, Germany.
Sensation: Young British Artists from the Saatchi Collection. Royal Academy of Art,
London, England; Hamburger Banhoff, Berlin, Germany; Brooklyn Museum,
New York, NY.

1996 Glenn Brown, Peter Doig, Jim Hodges, Adriana Varejao. Galerie Ghislaine Hussenot,
Paris, France.
 21 Days of Darkness. Transmission Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland.
 Brilliant: New Art from London. Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, TX.
 ACE: Arts Council Collection New Purchases. Hatton Gallery, New Castle upon Tyne,
England; Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston, England; Oldham Art
Gallery, Hayward Gallery, London, England; Ikon Gallery, Birmingham; Mappin
Art Gallery, Sheffield; Angel Row Gallery, Nottingham, England; Ormeau Baths
Gallery, Belfast, Ireland.
 Out of Space. Cole and Cole, Oxford, England.
 Strange Days. The Agency, London, England (Art Club 2000, Christine Borland, Philip –
Lorca di Corcia, Glenn Brown, Fanni Niemi – Junkola, Raymond Pettibon, Julia
 The Jerwood Painting Prize. Lethaby Galleries, Central Saint Martin’s College, London,
 Fernbedienung: Does Television Inform the Way Art Is Made? Kunstverein, Graz,
 About Vision, New British Painting in the 1990s. Museum of Modern Art, Oxford,

1995 From Here. Waddington Galleries and Karsten Schubert, London, England.
 Summer Group Show. Karsten Schubert, London, England.
 Young British Artists V: Glenn Brown, Keith Coventry, Hadrian Pigott. and
 Kerry Stewart. Saatchi Collection, London, England.
 Obsession. The Tannery, London, England.
 Painters’ Opinion. Bloom Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
 “Brilliant!” New Art From London. Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN. Travelled to:
Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, TX.
That’s Not The Way To Do It. Project Space, University of Northumbria at Newcastle,

1994 Every Now and Then. Rear Window at Richard Salmon, Ltd., London, England.
 Here and Now. Serpentine Gallery, London, England.

1993 Barclays’s Young Artist Award. Serpentine Gallery, London, England.
 Re-Present. Todd Gallery, London, England.
 Launch. Curtain Road Arts, London, England.
 Painting Invitational. Barbara Gladstone Gallery, New York, NY.
 Mandy Loves Declan 100%. Mark Boote Gallery, New York, NY.

1992 Surface Values. Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge, England.
 How Did These Children Come To Be Like That. Goldsmiths’ Gallery, London, England.
 With Attitude. Galerie Guy Ledune, Brussels, Belgium.
 And What Do You Represent? Anthony Reynolds Gallery, London, England.

1991 Group Show. Todd Gallery, London, England.

1990 BT New Contemporaries 1990. Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol, England. Travelled to: John
Hansard Gallery, Southampton, England; Dean Clough, Halifax, England; Ikon
Gallery, Birmingham, England; Arts Council Gallery, Belfast, Northern Ireland;
Third Eye Centre, Glasgow, Scotland; Institute of Contemporary Arts, London,

1989 Christie’s New Contemporaries. Royal College of Art, London, England.
 BT New Contemporaries 1989. ICA, London, England. Corner house Gallery,
Manchester, England; South Hill Park, Bracknell, England; Dean Clough, Halifax,
England; Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal, England.


2005 Shortlist, South Bank Show Awards.
2000 Shortlist, Turner Prize, Tate Britain, London, England.
Special Projects:

2013 Momart Gift, London, England.
2012 Cover art for Richard Beaudoin’s Microtimings, featuring Mark Knoop and the Keuzter
Quartet, New Focus Records, Boston, MA.
2011 Large-scale banner for the season-opening opera Anna Bolena, at The Metropolitan
Opera, Lincoln Center, New York, NY.

In his own words:
"I‘m rather like a Dr Frankenstein, constructing paintings out of the residue or dead parts of other artist‘s work. I hope to create a sense of strangeness by bringing together examples of the way the best historic and modern-day artists have depicted their personal sense of the world. I see their worlds from multiple or schizophrenic perspectives, through all their eyes. Their sources of inspiration suggest things I would never normally see – rocks floating in far-off galaxies, for example, or a bowl of flowers in an 18th-century room, or a child in a fancy-dress costume. It‘s those fictions that I take as subject matter. The scenes may have been relatively normal to Rembrandt or Fragonard but because of the passage of time and the difference in culture, to me they are fantastical."

Representative Galleries:

Gagosian Gallery
Tate Gallery
Max Hetzler Gallery
Saatchi Gallery

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