29. Geng Jianji


106*150cm (42"*59")
code: GJYU022

20*25cm (8"*10")
photograph|gelatin silver print
code: GJYU092


                  In 1962, in Zhengzhou, Henan (China)
         He graduated from the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (China Academy of Art, Hangzhou), Oil Painting Department.

Lives and Works in Hangzou and teaches at the China Academy of Art

First Exhibition: in 1989

Themes and style: 
         A main focus of the extensive oeuvre of the artist Geng Jianyi is the issue of individual identity, i.e., his own personal position within the context of the collective whole. Despite his practice of diverse aesthetics and media (including activist street art, oil painting, installation art, and ink drawing), the artist never ceases to explore the questions of the 'self' in today's world. His work can be described as 'after-images' that continuously veil and unveil fragments of the individual. Geng Jianyi demonstrates an intense concern for self-awareness and a strong interest in the multitude of forms by which the individual is expressed and represented.

He is a a principal member of the ’85 New Wave movement, Geng Jianyi’s work examines the relationship between the individual and the collective. In his 2001 “Face” series, for example, Geng used photosensitive paper to create ghostly portraits composed of the bare minimum of forms necessary to distinguish one face from another, referencing the tension between existence and dissolution. Geng has also collaborated with fellow Chinese artist Zhang Peili, with whom he founded the Pool Society group and created a number of performances and video works.

         In recent years, Geng has focused on oil painting, installations, and photography, often returning to the themes of individuality and alienation.

Selected Solo Exhibitions
Wu Zhi, Geng Jianyi Works 1985-2008,
Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai (2012);
Geng Jianyi, Excessive Transition, ShanghART Beijing (2008)
Selected Group Exhibitions
GWANGJU Biennale , Korea (2014)
 85 New Wave, The Birth of Chinese Contemporary Art, UCCA, Beijing (2007)
The 1st Guangzhou Trienniale, Guangdong Museum of Art (2002)
 Another Long March, Chinese Conceptual Art in the 1990's, Breda, The Netherlands (1997)
 45th Venice Biennale - Cardinal Points of the Arts, Italy (1993)
China Avant-garde, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (1993)
China/Avant-Garde Art Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing (1989).

Representative Galleries:
Shangart Gallery

In his Own Words:
 “ Why has it taken so long for people to say that my work has been important? Fortunately, the first solo exhibition is not too late to be held.”

For more Information:
