Girl Smoking (Peaches)
Oil on Canvas
33 x 33cm

Oil on Canvas
101 x 101cm

Oil on canvas
175 x 175 cm


         In 1972 in Tarnow, Poland

Lives and works in Tarnow, Poland

         He studied architecture for two years at the Polytechnic, Kraków, beginning in 1992, and then became a painting student at the Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie, Poland. While there, he helped form an artist's collective that exhibited together as the Ładnie Group until 2000. Ironically named after the Polish word meaning "pretty" or "nice," the members made paintings of their contemporary, often banal surroundings, using a deskilled aesthetic that countered the style valued by their instructors. Sasnal finished his studies in 1999, and then worked briefly for advertising companies in Kraków while also making paintings, graphic novels (his strips are regularly published in "Machina" and "Przekroj", two Polish periodicals), photographs, and films.

Themes and style: 
         Sasnal is primarily a painter. He paints a wide variety of subjects: More or less banal everyday objects, portraits of historical figures, views of his home town Cracow, snapshots of friends and family members and very often existing images from the internet or mass media are his starting point. Other sources include Art Spiegelman's 1973 graphic Holocaust novel Maus, and stills from Claude Lanzmann's 1985 documentary Shoah as source material. Even if, over the years, one can make out a number of overarching themes, there are always new paintings that shift the emphases and connections once again. The same is true of his painting style. His approach is unpredictable and his methods range from graphic reduction and a pointedly two-dimensional, illustration-oriented style to seemingly autonomous gestures with brush and paint.,However, Sasnal makes the grip of the Communist era on the post-Communist imagination his subject.

         Sasnal produces pencil drawings, ink drawings, photographs, videos and paintings. In his art he employs a variety of media and cultivates a non-uniform practice
Solo Exhibitions

Johnen Galerie, Berlin, Germany
Anton Kern Gallery, New York, NY
Rat Hole Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Wilhelm Sasnal. Lata Walki / Years of Struggle, Sara Hildén Art Museum, Tampere, Sara Hilden Art Museum, Tampere, Finland (Travelling Exhibition)
Rochester Art Center, Rochester, MN

Sadie Coles HQ, London, UK
K21 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, Germany
Fundacja Galerii Foksal, Warsaw, Poland
Presentation in the Collection Rooms: Wilhelm Sasnal.Works from the Collection Martin, Neues Museum, Nürnberg, Germany
Wilhelm Sasnal. Lata Walki / Years of Struggle, CAC – Centro de Arte Contemporàneo, Malaga, Spain (Travelling Exhibition)
Hauser & Wirth, Zurich, Switzerland

Wilhelm Sasnal. Lata Walki / Years of Struggle, Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea, Trento, Italy

Wilhelm Sasnal. Lata Walki / Years of Struggle, Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland
Johnen Galerie, Berlin, Germany
Hauser & Wirth, Zurich, Switzerland
Fundació la Caixa, Barcelona, Spain
Anton Kern Gallery, New York, NY

Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Wzorzec kilograma, Foksal Gallery Foundation, Warsaw, Poland
Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, Germany
Sadie Coles HQ, London, UK
The Douglas Hyde Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

MATRIX Program for Contemporary Art, The Berkeley Art Museum, Berkeley, CA
Anton Kern Gallery, New York, NY
Wilhelm Sasnal - Chinati Artist in Residence, The Locker Plant, Marfa, TX

The Band, Hauser & Wirth, Zurich, Switzerland
Camden Arts Centre, London, UK
Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Munich, Germany
ZAWA SROD, Johnen + Schöttle, Cologne, Germany
Wilhelm Sasnal – Map Trap, Galerie Raster, Warsaw, Poland

T-ów, Anton Kern Gallery, New York, NY
Wilsa, Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv, Israel
MUHKA, Antwerp, Belgium
3 o’clock road block, Sadie Coles, London, UK
Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, Germany
Kunsthalle Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Wilhelm Sasnal – Monika Sasnowska, Galleria Laura Pecci, Milan, Italy

PHO, Galerie Johnen + Schöttle, Cologne, Germany
Show on your hands – Look – Come closer, Foksal Gallery Foundation, Warsaw
Parel, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Cars and Men, Foksal Gallery Foundation, Warsaw, Poland
Everyday Life in Poland between 1999 and 2001, Galeria Raster, Warsaw, Poland

Board Game, Galeria Potocka, Cracow, Poland

The Hundred Pieces, Galeria Zderzak, Cracow, Poland
Painting, CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland
The Crowd, billboards of Galeria Otwarta

Private–Public, billboards of Galeria Otwarta
A Natural Holyday, billboards of Galeria Otwarta

Group Exhibitions

Rearview Mirror: New Art from Central and Eastern Europe, The Power Plant, Ontario, Canada
Kurimanzutto, Mexico City, Mexico

Villa Reykjavik, Reykjavik, Iceland
Schloss Marquardt, ‘XVII. Rohkunstbau’, Marquardt-Potsdam, Germany
ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, ‘fast forward 2. The Power of Motion – Media Art Sammlung Goetz’, Karlsruhe, Germany
Johnen Galerie, ‘Conversation Pieces. A Chamber Play, Act III, Scene 3’, Berlin,Germany

The Reach of Realism, MOCA Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami, FL
Wilhelm Sasnal. Werke aus der Sammlung Martin, Neues Museum, Nürnberg, Germany
Hellwach gegenwärtig - Ausblicke auf die Sammlung Marta, MARTa Herford, Herford,Germany
Monument to Transformation, City Gallery, Prag, Czech Republic
Invasion of Sound. Music and the Visual Arts, Zacheta National Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
International Collection of Contemporary Art 5th Edition, Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, Poland
Something Else!!!!, MAN, Nuoro, Italy
Sonic Youth etc.: Sensational Fix, Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf, Germany
Mapping the studio: Artists from the François Pinault Collection, Punta della Dogana,Venice, Italy
Play, Part 1 – The Game and the Players. Strange and Close, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Family and Friends, Anton Kern Gallery, New York, NY
Life on Mars: 55th Carnegie International, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, PA
Never let the truth get in the way of a good story, Site Gallery, Sheffield, England
T2 Torino Triennale, Turin, Italy
Heartland, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Netherlands
I am never at home, Johnen Galerie, Berlin, Germany
Back to black - schwarz in der aktuellen malerei, Kestner Gesellschaft, Hannover, Germany
Peripherer Blick und kollektiver Körper, Museion, Bolzano, Italy
Du Dialogue Social, Motorenhalle, Dresden, Germany
Ad Absurdum, MARTa Herford, Germany
Glasgow International 2008, Glasgow, Scotland
Manual CC, uqbar, Berlin, Germany
The Painting of Modern Life, Castello di Rivoli, Turin, Italy

1,2,3… Avant-Gardes, Sala Rekalde, Bilbao, Spain
Playback, Musée d’ Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France
Gesellschaftsbilder. Zeitgenossische Malerei, Kunstverein in Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Who’s got the Big Picture? Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Antwerp, Belgium
Frisch gestrichen, Museum Franz Gertsch, Burgdorf, Switzerland
What is Painting?, MoMA, New York, NY
Untitled, Swiss Institute, New York, NY
The Present, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Last News, Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art, Gdańsk, Poland
Very Abstract and Hyper Figurative, Thomas Dane Gallery, London, UK
Painting Now!, Kunsthal Rotterdam, Netherlands
Airs de Paris, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Old School, Hauser & Wirth, London, England
Bare Life, Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem, Israel
The Weasel: Pop Music and Contemporary Art, South London Gallery, London, UK
Lights, Camera, Action: Artists Films for the Cinema, Whitney Museum, New York, NY
Polish Painting of the 21st Century, Zacheta National Gallery, Warsaw, Poland

Grey Flags, Sculpture Center, Long Island City, New York, NY
Infinite Painting: Contemporary Painting and Global Realism, Villa Manin Centre, Coidropo, Italy
Imagens em Pintura, Havekost, Kahrs, Plessen, Sasnal, Museu Serralves, Porto, Portugal
Sammlung Marx in Hamburger Bahnhof, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, Germany
1,2,3… Avant-Gardes, Center for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, Poland
Melancholia, Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel-Aviv, Israel
The Vincet 2006, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Essential Painting, The National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan
The Triumph of Painting, from the Saatchi Collection, Leeds City Art Gallery, Leeds, UK
Imagination Becomes Reality, Pt. V: Fantasy and Fiction, Sammlung Goetz, Munich, Germany

What’s New Pussycat? Museum for Modern Art, Frankfurt, Germany
ATOMICA – making the invisible visible, Esso Gallery and Lombard Freid Fine Arts, New York, NY
Material Time/Work Time/Life Time, Reykjavik Arts Festival, Reykjavik, Iceland
It takes some time to open an oyster, Centre Cultural Andratx, Mallorca, Spain
The Triumph of Painting, The Saatchi Collection, London, UK
Prague Biennale 2, Prague, Czech Republic

Some Forgotten Place, Matrix, Berkeley Art Museum, Berkeley, CA
Nowa Huta, Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, Germany
Werke aus der Sammlung Boros, Museum für moderne Kunst, Karlsruhe
MUHKA de collectie, MUHKA, Antwerp, Belgium
Time and again, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Biennale de Sao Paulo, Brazil

4ever Young, Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Hauser & Wirth Gallery, Zürich, Switzerland
Creeping Revolution 2, Rooseum Center for Contemporary Art, Malmö, Sweden
Hidden In A Daylight, Hotel pod Jeleniem, Cieszyn, Poland
2002 Painting on the Move, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Pause, 4th Gwangju Bienniale, Gwangju, South Korea
Urgent Painting, Musée d’art moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France
Raster – aktuelle Kunst aus Polen, Museum Viadrana – Junkerhaus, Frankfurt, Germany
A Need For Realism. Solitude In Ujazdowski, Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, Poland
Pod Brunatnym Jeleniem, Hotel, cur. Joanna Mytkowska, Andrzej Przywara, Adam
Szymczyk, Cieszyn, Poland

Painters’ Competition, Galeria Bielska BWA, Bielsko-Biala, Poland
The Good, Galeria Raster, Warsaw, Poland
1st Tirana Biennial, Tirana, Albania
Bureaucracy, Foksal Gallery Foundation, Warsaw, Poland
In Between, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL
Popelita/Pop-elite, Bunkier Sztuki, Cracow, Poland
Rybie of Fisheye, BWA Gallery, Slupsk, Poland

Scena 2000, CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland
100% Painting, BWA Gallery, Poznan, Poland
Visual Art – Simple Life, Edit-Russ Haus, Oldenburg, Germany
Paint Me, BWA, Zielone Góra, Poland

What you see is what you get, Medium Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia

Seven Young Painters, French Cultural Institute, Cracow, Poland

In his own words:
"I don't know if being a mature artist is a positive. Being mature means that you have lost interest in different things, it's like the difference between being professional and being amateur," he says. "I would like to keep my passion."

Representative Galleries:

Saatchi Gallery
Anton Kern Gallery
Hauser & Wirth

For more Information: