Salerno- Print
Oil on Canvas.
200 x 200 cm.

Youth in Revolt Oil on canvas 200x200cm

Welcome to Disneyland Oil and collage on canvas 250x250cm


                  In 1982 in Canada
Lives and works in London.
2009    Master of Fine Art (Hons). Chelsea College of Art. London, England. (Distinction).
2005    Bachelor of Art, Art History & Theory. University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.

Themes and style: 
         The large scale, gestural paintings of Andrew Salgado works explore concepts relating to the destruction and reconstruction of identity – a process that he views as re-considering the conventions of figurative painting through a pursuit toward abstraction. To create paintings that engage beyond what is immediately visible, he often consciously questions the nature of identity (and painting) itself as something deconstructed, created, and tangible. A significant perspective of his work is concerned with the ‘monstrosity’ of the masculine form, incorporating Classical archetypes like the Laocoön or Dionysian, to subtle references to Guston, Bacon or even artists who exhibit a wild deviation from rules like Daniel Richter or Bjarne Melgaard.

         His work is developed in paintings.
Solo Exhibitions
2016 GreenPinkPurpleBlue. Beers London, UK. (October)
2016 A Long Walk At Dusk Left Me Slightly Out of Breath. TBA, New York, NY. (May)
2015 A Quiet Man. Beers London at PULSE Miami Beach. Miami, FL. (December)
2015 This is Not the Way to Disneyland. Beers London at VOLTA Basel. Basel, Switzerland. (June)
2015 Warriørs. Christopher Møller Art. Cape Town, South Africa. (January)
2014 Storytelling. Beers London. UK. (October)
2014 Variations on a Theme. One Art Space. New York, NY. (May)
2014 Enjoy the Silence. Christopher Møller Art. Cape Town, South Africa. (January)
2013 The Acquaintance. The Art Gallery of Regina. Regina, Canada. (October)
2013 The Smallest Heart’s Desire. La Petite Mort Gallery. Ottawa, Canada. (May)
2012 The Misanthrope. Beers London, UK. (October)
2012 In Order to Rebuild. Dosi Gallery, Busan, Korea. (May)
2011 Anxious. Taché Gallery. New York, New York. (October)
2010 Paint Your Black Heart Red. 4-channel video exhibition, Atopia Galerei, Oslo, Norway. (January)
2008 Boys’ Night Out. Interurban Gallery, Vancouver, Canada. (September)
In his own words:
         “My goal is to create paintings that go beyond that which is immediately visible, where this idea of figurative painting is pulled from its conventions and deconstructed into its parts – where marks, drips, and accidents begin to overtake the centrality of the figure. ”

2015 PULSE prize. Pulse Miami Beach. [Results pending.]
2013  Lieutenant Governor’s Arts Award. Saskatchewan, Canada.
2013 Recipient: Canada Council for the Arts. Independent Artist Production Grant.
2013 Recipient: Saskatchewan Arts Board. Visual Artist Production Grant.

Representative Galleries:

Ramis Barquet

For more Information: