Untitled (series for The Modern Procession, June 23, 2002, New York City) 2002

Oil on Gelatin
24,4x16,2 cm



1959, Amberes, Belgium
            Between 1978 and 1983: studied architectural history at the Institute of Architecture, Tournai, Belgium
            Between  1983 and 1986: Engineering at the Istituto di Architettura, Venice (1983–6)
In 1986 he moved to Mexico: French assistance program after an earthquake to fulfill his Belgian civil-service requirement
            Lives and works in Mexico DC


            Society, Inmigration, People
            Alÿs work encompasses many media often involving the participation and presence of the artist. These performed events are documented in video (Performance), photographs, writing, painting, and animation.

Alÿs is represented by David Zwirner in New York and Galerie Peter Kilchmann in Zurich.
Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA) - Fundación Costantini in Buenos Aires – “A Story of Negotiation”, featuring the artist's three projects Don't Cross the Bridge Before You Get to the River, Tornado, and REEL-UNREEL, will be hosted by (on view November , 2015 through February 15, 2016).

 Alÿs's recent video REEL-UNREEL, which depicts a street game played by local children in Kabul, Afghanistan, was on view alongside related drawings, paintings, and research materials at Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Donna Regina Napoli, Naples. The exhibition traveled later in the year to the Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw. REEL-UNREEL was produced in 2012 for documenta 13, where a selection of paintings was installed in a former bakery in Kassel's city center and the video was screened at a satellite venue in Kabul.

Beirut Art Center in 2012- He was part of the “Revolution vs Revolution” exhibition that took place at the
Wiels (2010–2011)
Tate Modern, London (2010),
The AiM Biennale (Arts in Marrakech International Biennale)
The Renaissance Society, Chicago (2008),
 The Hammer Museum, Los Angeles (2007)
Portikus, Frankfurt, Germany
MALBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
MALi, Lima
Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg
Musée d'Art Contemporain, Avignon, France (2004)
Centro nazionale per le arti contemporanee, Rome, Italy [traveled to Kunsthaus Zürich, Zürich, and Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid] (all 2003)
Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY (2002, 2011)
Gallery, Vancouver, Canada (1998)
His traveling show of portraits of the Saint Fabiola has traveled to London, New York,Perú and LAMCA
Alÿs participated in the Venice Biennial in 1999, 2001 and 2007, and the Carnegie International in 2004.
Group exhibitions:
In his Own words...
“There are certain things you cannot express but through a painting. Painting enjoys a certain advantage. Some people would rather look at a painting than a photograph, or give more time to it. That possibly gives you a stronger contact point with the public. Also, because the images are figurative, they’re more straightforward. I use painting in a very traditional way. It’s a very good mental space for me. I think the multiplicity of media sometimes has kept me from being cornered into one specific audience. I know that if I would I’d be isolated within a very strict contemporary art world circle.”

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